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Greathouse Y-DNA Project

Welcome to the Greathouse Surname Y-DNA Project, which was founded on May 10, 2005. Family Tree DNA is the preferred provider of Y-DNA testing for our project. You can view details about the project or join the project at Family Tree DNA.

There are different types of DNA genealogical tests for both males and females, but the most common testing is the Y-DNA which is done with males who have a continuous MALE lineage from an ancestor with their surname. All males who share a common surname can be tested to show their relationship or non-relationship to an ancestor with that surname or to other males of the same name. In cases of adoption the surname may have changed but the DNA will not.

Who is eligible to participate in our Y-DNA Project?

If you are a male Greathouse with continuous Male Greathouse lineage from your most distant ancestor, then a Y-DNA test could help establish your heritage. There is a current project with 36 men who have already participated. See results for current Greathouse Y-DNA Testing. These are grouped as participants believed their ancestors to be, but also with participants matching their various markers. The more matches shared between participants, the more likely those participants shared a recent common ancestor.

If you are interested in testing, good results can be obtained with a 37 marker test, but less expensive tests can be ordered for 12 or 25 markers, or more expensive testing for 67 or 111 markers. For more details see: Price for Y-DNA Tests.

If you are a female Greathouse, then encourage your Male Greathouse brothers, father or uncles to do a Y-DNA test and join our Greathouse Surname DNA Project.

Join our DNA project!

DNA Genealogy Tests - What do they prove or disprove?

People have always had reasons to establish an ancestral lineage whether it was pride or a desire to join organizations such as the Sons of or Daughters of the American Revolution. But it's sad to see how many errors have been made over the years with scanty or no documentation. DNA is now destroying some family myths about their heritage. There are complex DNA tests to solve crimes or establish paternity, but with DNA testing for genealogical purposes, the results will only show the probability of a most recent common ancestor. Since DNA testing only shows probable ancestors or relatives, it does a better job of proving who is NOT your ancestor than who is your ancestor. It does not remove the need for careful research to prove your line. Also, because of the right to privacy, you will only learn of those that match, and only the amount of information that they wish to share with you.

Based on the number of markers tested and the match of those markers, the probability increases, but again DNA does not prove ancestry; it only establishes a relationship to others who have been tested and shows that you and that person probably share a common ancestor at some point in time. With more matches, the odds increase that there was a common ancestor within a certain number of generations, but if you achieve a perfect match on 37 markers, the best you have is a guaranteed match within 400 to 600 years ago. If 2 persons match on 67 of 67 markers, their common ancestor could be more recent. DNA testing can quickly suggest the possibility of relationships, or those you should disregard, but documentation is still the only way to be certain.

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